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Welcome to the fourth issue of the EMTC2016 Newsletter!

Contents of this issue:

  • Thank you for your submissions!
  • Registration has opened!
  • European music therapy students’ meeting: ConnAction!
  • Social events at conference evenings
  • We wish you...


Thank you for all your submissions!

EMTC2016's call for abstracts closed on November 1, 2015, and we are delighted about having received the overwhelming number of 384 abstracts from 42 countries worldwide!

The 13 international members of the Scientific Committee are currently conducting the blinded peer-review process by evaluating each submitted abstract.

Based on these quality ratings, the heads of the Scientific Committee, Karin Mössler and Thomas Stegemann, will then do their best to compose an exciting and diverse programme for EMTC2016 which represents the broad variety of music therapy in Europe and beyond.

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of their submission by the end of January 2016.


Have you also been eagerly waiting to secure a place for yourself at the 10th European Music Therapy Conference?

Well, thanks for your patience...

Registration is now open!

Please follow the links below to the online registration and hotel booking form, and to find all the necessary information on booking and cancellation conditions, a hotel map etc.

Capacity will be limited, so please register early to ensure your place at EMTC2016!

Registration and hotel booking form (hosted by Austropa Interconvention)

If you want to view or change your bookings after registration (e.g., in order to register for any of the social events, see below!), or if you need to process any open payments, please go to the database login.

Social events at conference evenings

A conference, especially a music therapy conference, and particularly a music therapy conference entitled "A Symphony of Dialogues", is about exchange and moving a profession forward....but also about bringing people together socially!


We have organised social events for each of the conference evenings - see here for a programme overview (please click on the links to see details for each event).


Please note that participation in the Opening Ceremony (Tuesday), the Gala Dinner + Disco Party (Thursday), and the Heurigen Night (Friday) are all included in the registration fee!

European music therapy students’ meeting: ConnAction!

Just before EMTC2016 starts, in the afternoon before the Opening Ceremony, all music therapy students are invited to join a new "ConnAction"...

You´re interested in meeting music therapy students from other countries?      

You want to share your experiences, you´re searching material for your thesis, or you´re planning an exchange, an internship or a project abroad?

If yes, come and enjoy the "ConnAction" on Tuesday, July 5th, 2016, from 14:00 to 16:00 – it´s free of charge!

Together we want to get to know each other, have some fun, and start creating a network of music therapy students and newcomers in the profession to enable a lot of encouraging and inspiring international exchange.

All you need to do: Confirm your participation when registering for the conference at, and join us at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna!      

The smell of coffee will show you the way :)

For questions, please feel free to contact Viennese music therapy student Ronja Gangler at

We wish you...

...peaceful holidays and a fabulous start to the EMTC year 2016!

We look forward to welcoming you in Vienna in July 2016!

See the conference website and our social network page for detailed information & updates!

Photos:; WienTourismus / Christian Stemper; WienTourismus / Peter Rigaud; Fiona Fuchs


The conference is jointly organised by:
ÖBM - Austrian Association of Music Therapists
mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
WIM - Viennese Institute of Music Therapy

In co-operation with:
EMTC - European Music Therapy Confederation

Contact & legal notice

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Our postal address is: ÖBM • Österreichischer Berufsverband der ­MusiktherapeutInnen, Cumberlandstraße 48, 1140 Vienna, Austria