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Welcome to the seventh issue of the EMTC2016 Newsletter!

Contents in this issue:

  • Conference sold out - waiting list growing
  • An Evening in the Viennese Prater - book now!
  • EMTC2016's Movie Programme
  • Early in the morning... each conference day
  • Go green in Vienna: use a Citybike!


Since late March already,

EMTC2016 is sold out!

We are looking forward to a conference of no less than 600 participants - larger than any previous European Music Therapy Conference.

The final programme will be published soon - watch out for updates on our website, and the next EMTC2016 newsletter!


There are still many people interested in joining the conference, and the waiting list is constantly growing.

So if you are registered, but realise that it won't be possible for you to attend after all, please let us know as soon as possible by cancelling your registration. This will not only ensure that you have the possibility to get refunded for paid fees (see here for details), but will also make someone on the waiting list a very happy EMTC2016 participant!

An Evening in the Viennese Prater - book now!

Do you fancy a little different night out in Vienna on Wednesday, July 07?

Join us for an evening in the green oasis of the Prater!

This is an optional social event, not included in the registration fee.

It includes getting out into nature, having a little exercise, and then an authentic Viennese dinner in fine company:

We will start with a one-hour rickshaw ride at 7pm: Together with three other conference participants, you will ride a four-seater bicycle, two of you pedaling - off you go on the 5-kilometre car-free forest avenue (“Prater Hauptallee”).

After this, we leave the rickshaws and walk a bare 2 minutes to the old tavern “Zum Englischen Reiter”, where a typical Viennese buffet meal under chestnut trees awaits us in the outdoor garden dining area.

If you want to enjoy some of the amusement rides or the famous Riesenrad – they are literally just a few steps away.

All this is located close to the city centre, and easily accessible by public transport – guidance and tickets will be provided!

If you still want to join, please book this additional event within the next few days (via the database login) so that we can make sure that there are enough rickshaws, food and wine for all of us!

Viennese buffet dinner (including vegetarian options), red & white wine, water (other/additional drinks at own expense) + and one-hour rickshaw ride
EUR 44.-

By the way - did you know that 2016 is a major anniversary year for the Viennese Prater? Emperor Joseph II opened the former hunting grounds to the public 250 years ago...

Early in the morning... each conference day

Each conference morning, our colleague Hannah Riedl will help you to wake up your body & soul as an animated start into a fantastic day!

Join us to sing and get moving - we look forward to meeting you there! 

Warming-up | Wed-Sat 08:00-08:10 | Campus courtyard/green area (in case of rain: Room 1)

EMTC2016's Movie Programme

Would you like to have a short movieBREAK?

EMTC2016 proudly presents a multifaceted programme of carefully selected movies and documentaries about music, music therapy, and psychosocial and mental health issues.

So if you’d like to have a break combined with clever entertainment, visit the EMTC2016 movieBREAK programme at the conference cinema (“Kodak-Kino”) on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday (July 6-8)!

The detailed programme will be posted on the website and sent out via our Newsletter within the next few weeks.

Many thanks to the following partners for kindly supporting EMTC2016's Movie Programme:

Go green in Vienna: use a Citybike!

Citybike Wien is an innovative and environment-friendly public transport.

Bikes can be hired at over 120 bike stations across Vienna - one of them directly in front of the mdw Campus/conference venue!

After registering, the first hour of every ride/uninterrupted use is free.

The bikes can be returned at any empty bikebox at any station. Available around the clock!

For details, a stations map etc., see

We look forward to welcoming you in Vienna in July!

See the conference website and our social network page for detailed information & updates!


Film still (c) Axel Stummer; WienTourismus/Popp & Hackner;; WienTourismus/MAXUM; mdw/SoltizMinichmayr;;


The conference is jointly organised by:
ÖBM - Austrian Association of Music Therapists
mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
WIM - Viennese Institute of Music Therapy

In co-operation with:
EMTC - European Music Therapy Confederation

Contact & legal notice

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Our postal address is: ÖBM • Österreichischer Berufsverband der ­MusiktherapeutInnen, Cumberlandstraße 48, 1140 Vienna, Austria