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Welcome to the eighth issue of the EMTC2016 Newsletter!

Contents in this issue:

  • Vienna is ready for EMTC2016!
  • Abstracts of EMTC2016 published as a Nordic Journal of Music Therapy Supplement
  • Join us at the EMTC2016 special events!
    Tue: Opening Ceremony
    Wed: Prater or Football
    Thu: Gala dinner at City Hall and Disco Party
    Fri: Heurigen night
    Sat: Closing Ceremony
  • Photo Gallery & Live Streaming of Dialogue Sessions


Vienna is ready for EMTC2016!

Download the complete EMTC2016 Programme Book at!

See the following links for information on Arrival in Vienna and Public transport in Vienna,
and page 102 of the Programme Book for information on check-in and opening times of the Registration Desk at the conference venue! 

Already prior to the conference kick-off on Tuesday, several meetings and courses are taking place at the conference venue:

Delegates of the European Music Therapy Confederation have already arrived in Vienna and have started their working groups today, before their General Assembly will take place Monday to Tuesday.

Other events on MONDAY, July 04:

More events on TUESDAY, JULY 05:

  • Council Meeting of the World Federation of Music Therapy
  • Meeting of Journal Editors of music therapy journals
  • European music therapy students meeting: "ConnAction" (14:00-16:00)

The WEATHER FORECAST for the conference week:

It seems like it's going to be a warm couple of days, so make sure to dress lightly...

Abstracts of EMTC2016 published as a Nordic Journal of Music Therapy Supplement

For the first time in the EMTC conference history, all abstracts of conference presentations are published as a special Supplement of the Nordic Journal of Music Therapy - many thanks to all those involved in this collaboration!

Here's the online version of the Supplement:

(Conference participants will receive a printed copy of the NJMT Supplement together with their conference materials at the Registration Desk.)

Join us at the EMTC2016 special events!

EMTC2016 Opening Ceremony

Tuesday, July 05, 2016 | starts 18:00 - doors open at 17:30!

Gartenbaukino, Parkring 12, 1010 Vienna

Don't miss the beginning of the Opening Ceremony at the grand Gartenbau Cinema! It is located on the Ringstrasse, within 10 minutes' walking distance from the main conference venue, on the opposite side of Stadtpark (see pages 38-39 in the Programme Book).

The Opening Ceremony will include welcome addresses, live music performances by the fabulous Federspiel, the Opening Lecture*, the presentation of this year's EMTC Award, a general introduction to the conference, and a few surprises

* Opening Lecture by Prof. Dr. Christian Gold:

"Triangular objects in music therapy practice, theory and research"


The ceremony will be followed by a welcome drink and light dinner in the cinema foyer.


Viennese Prater or Football

Wednesday, July 06 |  starts 19:00

An evening in the Viennese Prater...

Strasse des Ersten Mai 58, 1020 Vienna

Meeting point at mdw/conference venue: 18:20 in front of the main entrance

Optional evening programme - only for those who have booked their places prior to the conference!

Public viewing: Semi-final of the European Football Championship

at the conference venue / University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, courtyard

Optional evening programme - open to all conference participants and accompanying persons!

Join us for a great open-air football night watching the teams of Portugal and Wales as they try to make their way to the final! The game starts at 21:00.

Food and drinks will be available (at your own expense).

Gala Dinner at City Hall of Vienna and Disco Party

Thursday, July 07

Gala dinner starts 19:00

City Hall of Vienna
Entry at Lichtenfelsgasse, 1010 Vienna

The City of Vienna is hosting the Mayor's Reception for EMTC2016 participants at the City Hall of Vienna. The evening will include welcome addresses, live music by the Viennese Townhall Swingtet, feat. Martin Spitzer*, a gala dinner with drinks ... and an opportunity to practice your ballroom dancing skills in the magnificent Festival Hall.

There's no specific dress code for this evening, but if you like dressing festively, this would be a nice opportunity...

*Viennese Townhall Swingtet, feat. Martin Spitzer

Following the tradition of the great Django Reinhardt, a music therapists’ combo with guitar, double bass, violin, and clarinet will interpret some swing tunes in the manouche jazz style. As guest artist, we proudly present Martin Spitzer on guitar, 2008 sideman of the year, and member of the famous Diknu Schneeberger Trio.

Martin Spitzer (guitar), Thomas Stegemann (guitar), Rudi Görnet (double bass), Johanna Ritscher-Dickbauer (clarinet), and Judith Prieler (violin)

Disco Party starts 22:00


Rote Bar @ Volkstheater
Neustiftgasse 1, 1070 Vienna
(use side entrance at Burggasse)

Coming from the Gala Dinner at Vienna Town Hall, it’s a bare 700 m to the Rote Bar – a walk of less than 10 minutes (guidance will be provided)!

We are proud to present the fabulous band ”Disco Therapy“

(of Norwegian music therapy conference fame) who will certainly get us into dancing mood with their funky rhythms!

Band members this time include:

Roar Ruus Finsås: lead vocal, percussion | Viggo Krüger: guitar | Hans Petter Solli: drums | Ernest Altbart: keyboard | Roland Liegle: bass | Christian Gold: leader of the horn section

Before and after their show, a DJ will make sure to keep us dancing – or you might even enter the stage yourself for an impromptu performance with fellow conference participants…?

Heurigen Night

Friday, July 08 | 19:00 - 24:00

at the conference venue / University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, courtyard

On the last night of the conference, all EMTC2016 participants are invited to enjoy an open-air "Heurigen" experience! The comfortable “Heurigen” atmosphere will be moved right to our conference home base in the courtyard of the main conference venue:

The guests will be regaled with refreshing wine and grape juice of the wine estate Schödl (one drink for free – please bring your voucher) and delicious typical “Heurigen” food.

Traditional and also modern Austrian music will be performed by the ensemble “Waldhansln”.

EMTC2016 Closing Ceremony

Saturday, July 09 | starts 13:00

Conference venue | Room 1


The Closing Ceremony will include…

  • a brief review of the conference in pictures
  • the presentation of EMTC2016’s Poster Awards
  • live music
  • thank-yous
  • … and the announcement of the location for the 11th European Music Therapy Conference scheduled to take place in 2019!

Join us for a last big get-together in Vienna – the grand finale of EMTC2016!

Photo Gallery & Live Streaming of Dialogue Sessions

To view impressions of the conference as it develops over the week, please go to the

EMTC2016 Photo Gallery!

As a special service for those unable to attend the conference, we have arranged for a live streaming of the Dialogue Sessions on Friday and Saturday:

Friday, July 08 | 11:15-12:45
Music therapy and economy

  • Christian Köck (A): Changing health care in a time of austerity
  • Brynjulf Stige (NOR): Creating posts for music therapists within the changing realities of contemporary health care systems – how is that related to theory, research, and ethics?


Saturday, July 09 | 11:15-12:45
Dialogues on European music therapy professional development: Various practices, one goal

  • Adrienne Lerner, Hanne Mette Ridder, Ferdinando Suvini, Rut Wallius, Ingeborg Nebelung, Alice Pehk, Albert Berman, Ranka Radulovic, Tessa Watson, Esa Ala-Ruona


To view the online streaming, please go to the mdwMediathek -

this service will also be available for 3 months after the conference!

We look forward to welcoming you in Vienna - or online - very soon!

See the conference website and our social network page for detailed information & updates!

Photos:; Astrid Johanna Ofner; Maria Frodl; Monika Geretsegger; WienTourismus/MAXUM; Andreas Müller; Dickbauer; Disco Therapy; Waldhansln


The conference is jointly organised by:
ÖBM - Austrian Association of Music Therapists
mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
WIM - Viennese Institute of Music Therapy

In co-operation with:
EMTC - European Music Therapy Confederation

Contact & legal notice

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Our postal address is: ÖBM • Österreichischer Berufsverband der ­MusiktherapeutInnen, Cumberlandstraße 48, 1140 Vienna, Austria