Welcome to the post-conference issue of the EMTC2016 Newsletter!
Contents in this issue:
- Thank you all!
- EMTC2016 feedback survey
- Photo Gallery & videos of Dialogue Sessions
- EMTC Award 2016 & Poster Awards
- EMTC2016 Opening film
- the next EMTC in 2019....
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the 10th European Music Therapy Conference in Vienna this year, for making this such a special and memorable event!
And... MANY THANKS once more to everyone involved in preparing and organising EMTC2016 - it was a pleasure to collaborate with you!
Thank you to the past EMTC Core Board - Hanne Mette Ridder, Adrienne Lerner, and Ferdinando Suvini - for supporting the local organisers all along the way!
Thank you to the Scientific Committee - Esa Ala-Ruona, Laurien Hakvoort, Friederike Haslbeck, Stine Lindahl Jacobsen, Susanne Metzner, Melissa Mercadal-Brotons, Stefano Navone, Alice Pehk, Ranka Radulovic, Monika Smetana, Krzysztof Stachyra, Brynjulf Stige, and Giorgos Tsiris - for their excellent reviewing work under the guidance of co-heads Karin Mössler and Thomas Stegemann!
Thank you to the whole EMTC2016 organising team in Vienna: Martin Astenwald, Rebekka Benker, Christian Berger, Fritz Brenner, Agnes Burghardt-Distl, Irma Drexler, Katrin Eckbauer, Kerstin Eckert, Anna Feichter, Julia Fent, Magdalena Frank, Fiona Fuchs, Ronja Gangler, Manuel Goditsch, Ute Glentzer, Karoline Haberl, Annina Hobler, Heidi Huber, Sophie Jäger, Friederike Jekat, Elisabeth Kaczynski, Friederike Lahner, Monika Marik, Christoph Maurer, Petra Oppenauer, Ruth Perfler, Katharina Pfeiffer, Eva Phan Quoc, Franziska Pötsch, Anna Pusch, Raphaela Reiter, Hannah Riedl, Leslie Schrage-Leitner, Johanna Schuler, Anne Seytter, Saya Shiobara, Monika Smetana, Katharina Stahr, Dorothee Storz, Georg Traxlmayr, Edith Wiesmüller, and Lotte Wilfing!
And thank you to the mdw music therapy students - our EMTC 2016 STAFF: Veronika Adamski, Regina Andasson, Marlene Baumgartner, Rebekka Benker, Christian Berger, Helene Bichlmann, Rosanna Bosak, Agnes Brandstötter, Dominik Denkmayr, Johanna Doblinger, Katharina Dürrschmid, Nina Edtinger, Julia Eigner, Marlene Emminger, Lisa Farthofer-Schmid, Anna Feichter, Verena Fleissner, Magdalena Frank, Fiona Fuchs, Ronja Gangler, Anna Graf, Karoline Haberl, Elisabeth Hammerer, Annina Hobler, Clemens Holzner, Sophie Jäger, Johanna Kampl, Larissa Kletter, Maria-Magdalena Kuchling, Daniela Lechner, Eugen Luz, Harue Rose Peham, Ruth Perfler, Boryana Radeva, Juliane Schleehahn, Johanna Schuler, Christoph Schwaiger, Dolores Skrobonja, Helena Sommer, Isabel Streisand, Georg Traxlmayr, Eva Madeleine Unterhofer, Gerd Veleba, Lotte Wilfing, and Johanna Zachhuber!
We are proud to announce that we succeeded to have the 10th European Music Therapy Conference certified as a "Green Meeting" according to the guidelines for the Green Meetings eco-label!
Many thanks to all the participants and collaborators who helped to carry out the conference in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible way.
EMTC2016 feedback survey
If you were a participant at EMTC2016, you have recently received the link to an online feedback questionnaire via email.
Many thanks to all of you who have already taken the time to share your feedback about your experiences with EMTC2016's programme and organisation with us!
Your feedback is greatly appreciated, both by the organisers of EMTC2016 and by organisers of future EMTC conferences as it will help them in their planning!
In case you have not yet completed the evaluation, please take a couple of minutes to share your feedback - the survey is still open until August 31!
(If you haven't received the link, please get in touch with us at info@emtc2016.at.)
Photo Gallery & videos of Dialogue Sessions
To view impressions of the conference including many pictures and even some movies,
please go to the
We are pleased to announce that video material from all four Dialogue Sessions is now available online via the mdw streaming service.
To view the online streaming, please go to the mdwMediathek and select one of the videos provided -
this service will be available for about two more months!
DIALOGUE SESSION I (Wednesday, July 06) Music therapy and neuroscience
- Wendy Magee (USA): Neuroscience and music: Translating evidence into meaningful practice
DIALOGUE SESSION II (Thursday, July 07) Improvising and composing
- Johanna Doderer (AUT): Music, the other language
- Dorit Amir (ISR): Improvisation in music therapy: A symphony of sounds and words
- dialogue between the speakers and the audience
DIALOGUE SESSION III (Friday, July 08) Music therapy and economy
- Christian Köck (AUT): Changing health care in a time of austerity
- Brynjulf Stige (NOR): Creating posts for music therapists within the changing realities of contemporary health care systems – how is that related to theory, research, and ethics?
- dialogue between the speakers and the audience
DIALOGUE SESSION IV (Saturday, July 09) Dialogues on European music therapy professional development: Various practices, one goal
- Adrienne Lerner, Hanne Mette Ridder, Ferdinando Suvini, Rut Wallius, Ingeborg Nebelung, Alice Pehk, Albert Berman, Ranka Radulovic, Melanie Voigt, Esa Ala-Ruona
- dialogue between the speakers and the audience
EMTC Award 2016
Every three years, the European Music Therapy Confederation honours a special person who has contributed in a unique and outstanding way to the development of European music therapy.
Previous awardees were: Tony Wigram (2004) David Aldridge (2007) Chava Sekeles (2010) Gro Trondalen & Brynjulf Stige (2013)
At the EMTC2016 Opening Ceremony, it was announced that
the recipient of the 2016 EMTC Award is
Jean Mary Eisler
(born 1916)
Jacqueline Z Robarts accepted the award for Jean Eisler at the conference, and has meanwhile conveyed it to her in London, UK.
The nomination text will be posted on the EMTC website (www.emtc-eu.com).
EMTC2016 Poster Awards
Posters at EMTC2016 had the chance to be honoured with an Audience Award or Jury Award. The winners of poster prizes were presented at EMTC2016's Closing Ceremony.
For the Audience Award, each conference participant had the opportunity to vote for their favourite "Posters of the day".
The winners of the Audience Awards are:
Wednesday's poster of the day: Zsuzsa Földes , Esa Ala-Ruona, Birgitta Burger, & Gergely Orsi (FIN): The effects of relaxing music on patients undergoing magnetic resonance imaging
Thursday's poster of the day: Hannah Riedl & Thomas Stegemann (AUT): Theses from the Viennese music therapy training course (1959-2014): historical research study investigating theses' contents and methodologies
Friday's poster of the day: Grazia Parente & Fabio Circelli (IT): Looking for sound identity: laboratories in a disabled center in South Tyrol
An international jury - consisting of Freya Drossaert (Belgium), Cochavit Elefant (Israel), Wolfgang Schmid (Norway), Monika Smetana (Austria), and Ferdinando Suvini (Italy) - decided upon the Jury Awards.
We are pleased to present the winners of the Jury Awards:
Jury Award - First Prize (EUR 300 donated by WIM - Viennese Institute for Music Therapy): Lars Ole Bonde, Knud Juel & Ola Ekholm (DK): Music and Public Health: music in the everyday life of adult Danes and its relationship with health
Jury Award - Second Prize: Anna Graf (AUT): Possible transfer and evaluation of use of visual art techniques to music therapy
Jury Award - Third Prize: Thomas Bergmann, Katrin Herberger, Joana Birkner, & Tanja Sappok (GER): AutKom: a musical-bodily based group training supporting adults with autism and intellectual disability
All the awarded posters will be available online soon:
The link will be posted in the NEWS section of our website!
EMTC2016 Opening film
At the beginning of the EMTC2016 Opening Ceremony in Vienna's Gartenbau Cinema, conference participants were able to see the premiere of the EMTC2016 film - a mock documentary called "The true history of music therapy in Austria" - featuring, amongst others, the members of the Local Organising Committee in the roles of most influential historical figures and a very, very important researcher...
If you would like to watch the film once more, follow this link:
EMTC2019 will take place in...
Aalborg, Denmark!
We look forward to seeing you all at the 11th European Music Therapy Conference, scheduled to take place from 26 to 30 June 2019 at the Musikkens Hus (House of Music) in Aalborg, Denmark!
Organising chair: Stine Lindahl Jacobsen Scientific chair: Hanne Mette Ridder
Thanks again for following the happenings around EMTC2016 through this Newsletter - we look forward to seeing you in Aalborg in 2019!
See the conference website emtc2016.at and our social network page for detailed information on EMTC2016.
Meanwhile, all the best from
the Local Organising Committee (Monika Geretsegger, Thomas Stegemann, Elena Fitzthum)
on behalf of the whole EMTC2016 organising team!
Irmgard Bankl & Klaus Göhr
The conference is jointly organised by:
ÖBM - Austrian Association of Music Therapists
mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
WIM - Viennese Institute of Music Therapy
In co-operation with:
EMTC - European Music Therapy Confederation
Contact & legal notice
Email: info@emtc2016.at
Follow us on facebook: facebook.com/emtc2016
unsubscribe from this list
Our postal address is: ÖBM • Österreichischer Berufsverband der MusiktherapeutInnen, Cumberlandstraße 48, 1140 Vienna, Austria